Hello Hollywood!

You can't help but notice all the film references on this site. Let me delve deeper into the backstory behind how that all came about and where I hope it takes me next.

In my previous life (after The Key to Chintak), as the founder of a tech company, I had the good fortune to mingle with many influential people on the licensing side of the entertainment industry. One such person was a former Marvel Entertainment executive. In one idle conversation among us and another colleague, he inquired what I did "outside of work." I talked about sports, property renovations, and a battle to get fit! My colleague then mentioned that I had written a book. So, I have him to thank for what happens next.

One year later, having read my book, the ex-Marvel exec sent me an email introducing me to a Hollywood producer who, among many things, produced "sizzle reels" for projects that he believed could make it onto the big screen. It turned my world upside down to learn that he thought my book was one of those projects. As it turns out, a "sizzle reel" is a trailer designed to resemble a small section of an existing movie. The hope was that movie executives would see the trailer and feel inclined to sign up for the project to make the whole thing.

The making of the trailer was amazing. To see my imagination brought to life is something that just can't be translated into words. And that’s saying something, coming from me! From props (that room where the trailer was shot was more or less empty just a few hours before the camera rolled) to sound, vision, and production, all those who took part were amazing. The actors, too, were a delight to work with. From it, a short trailer (about 1 minute) and a longer trailer (about 6 minutes) were produced. The 1-minute trailer is on this site, and the 6-minute trailer will follow soon.

Alas, as I said in my first blog, the Hollywood strikes have hampered progress, but I still have interest from a couple of studios. Additionally, I have interest from some private investors who are focused on making it a Virtual Production, akin to The Mandalorian. The advantage of making a movie that way is that it costs a fraction of live-action, especially for a film like The Key to Chintak, which spans most continents and features various special effects, making live-action filming expensive.

If, and it's a big IF, I sign anything, I'll be on this site straight away shouting about it!

Finally, this site is littered with pictures of me when I first launched The Key to Chintak in 2005/2006. However, my Blog posts feature up-to-date pics. For this post I used one of me on set for the trailer. I have aged! But in my defence, I broke my foot in two places a week before this picture was taken and had just gotten off a 10-hour flight! That is my excuse anyway…


I’m Back. Have you missed me?